Shakti Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor are one of the coolest father-daughter duos of Bollywood. Shraddha is having a successful run at the movies, while her dad Shakti Kapoor is one of the most iconic comedians and villains of the industry. Recently, a funny video of Shakti Kapoor also went viral where he was seen carrying a bin on his head, going to get alcohol for his whole society. Today, the veteran got candid about if he will be working as unlock 1 unfolds and how is his family dealing with the slight change.
He said, “I will not go out and work for now, nor will I allow my daughter Shraddha to resume work. I don’t think the threat is gone. I feel the worst is yet to come. I won’t let my children out for now. I know work is important but not at the cost of one's life. It will be very chaotic if people start shooting now. I tell industry people in our group that it is better to wait than pay hospital bills. It is still a very bad state of affairs outside.”
He added, “There are no beds in the hospitals and they are charging a bomb to treat people. There was this news where a person was kept tied to his bed in the hospital because he was unable to pay his bills. I am going to make a video on this too. The world has become a very sad place now. There is no humanity left.”
from filmfares
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