Last year Kangana Ranaut had donned the director’s hat for the first time with Manikarnika – The Queen of Jhansi. The actress had helmed the historical drama and added another feather in her hat. Apart from acting, writing, producing, the actress loves every level of the filmmaking process and is passionate about the movies. And today we hear she announced her next venture as a director.
Few months back, it was announced that Kangana Ranaut would produce a film titled Aparajitha Ayodhya. A film which is written by KV Vijayendra Prasad, is said to be a historical drama and will give more insights to the Ayodhya mandir. While earlier, the actress was on a search of a director, it is now revealed that she will helm the movie by herself. Kangana will turn director for this project and is pretty excited about it. Talking with a leading daily, she said that as a producer she has worked on this project from scratch and finding her vision in someone else’s vision would have been difficult for her. And now that she is directing it herself, she’s not nervous but more confident about this project.
Kangana Ranuat is quarantined with her family in Himachal and even tried her hand in writing poetry amidst the lockdown. The actress will soon work on her projects once shooting resumes with a new set of guidelines and everyone gets back to work. Kangana was last seen in Panga and she delivered a terrific performance in it.
from filmfares
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